Mark Alexander Ortiz
Mark belongs to the city having been born in Denver where he grew up. He enjoys reading about national, global, and comparative history. His academic interests include political history of the United States, military and society, and facets of East Asian and Latin American history. Mark has a background working for the United States Air Force in international military training, and in education. His articles “Cinematic Inclusivity: American Westerns Pertaining to Chicanos, Hispanos, and Mexican Americans” and “Denver’s Fantasy Theaters: Art Deco, Exotic Revivalism, and Modernism” were published in the University of Colorado Denver Historical Studies Journal. His article, “United States Military Assistance and Arms Transfers,” was published in Praxis Politics in Action. He served as senior editor of the Historical Studies Journal, Volume 38. Mark also served as the Editor for the University of Colorado Denver National History Day in Colorado Journal. He initiated the publication of the first volume and edited Volumes 1 and 2.